Monday, November 17, 2008

oh hump.

humm...I wish I could feel as happy as I did on this day. (photo below) Lately I haven't been as happy as I should. I'm doing all I can to feel that joy. I'm always crying and get emotional. On random days, at random times.  Josh doesn't get it. I dont get it. 

our photographer monica edited this picture...i think it looks pretty amazing.

*I need happy booster tips....PLEASE!*

and why is it that my hubby is happy every single day? without ever complaining. and is in such a good mood every single day? why why why can't that be me? uhhhhhh......???! 


Rocketgirl said...

I can tell you why... it has taken YEARS for me to be able to understand this, but I'm finally getting it. When there is a prolonged period of time where you cry and are sad and there's no good reason why - it's depression, pure and simple. That just means there's an imbalance in your chemicals in your body - it can definatley do to with the fact that in the fall, you get less seratonin because the sun doesn't shine as much. Oh I know - it's easier to try and blame it on the things going on in our lives, but the root of it is that something in your body needs some help. It won't make all your problems go away, but the irrational sadness that come and you can't figure out WHY - that's wh. My hubby doesn't have the same problem and it was a constant problem for us, we didn't understnad each other and it seemed like I jsut couldn't be happy for a long length of time, we just dind't know why and it made him misearable not understanding why (me too). He finally convinced me to go talk to a doctor,and he told me that's exactly what was going on. I went on some meds to make up for the chemicals I was lacking (mostly seratonin) and my life isn't perfect, but the times of just crying for no reason are history, thank heavens!

Just do me a favor babe - do NOT blame yourself. I think Heavenly Father gives some of us these weaknesses to make us learn certain things - how to ask for help, how to have more empathy for others - and I am thankful for al the lessons I've learned, despite how hard it has been to figure all this out. Look at it this way - if you had a broken leg, you'd go to the doctor, right?? This is something in your body that needs a doctor to help you heal, same thing.

Didn't mena to preach, but I hate seeing you feel that way - I've been there and I've been blessed out of it. Just sharing what I've learned.

And your wedding photos are HOTT.