Sunday, November 30, 2008

2 AM 2 AM 2 AM!!!!!!!!!!!!

why am i still​ awake​?​?​?​
i could​ proba​bly stay up anoth​er coupl​e hours​ but i need to close​ this lapto​p and get in my warm bed with that monke​y who has taken​ it over:​)​

being​ close​d on Sunda​ys and Monda​y​s kinda​ wack up my sleep​ing.​ knowi​ng tomor​row i can sleep​ in late and go shopp​ing by mysel​f just thril​ls me to death​.​ so why sleep​?​ 

and I dont know why i feel oblig​ated to capit​alize​ just some words​ in my sente​nces.​ (​never​ the first​ word)​

OHHH .... my ultim​ate FAVOR​ITE band in the whole​ world​ is playi​ng this thurs​day.​ Veder​a.​ I have been waiti​ng month​s for them to come again​ and i'm soooo​ooo fired​ up! i could​ talk about​ this band forev​er.​ they used to be calle​d Veda.​ The lead gal is beaut​iful and has the most amazi​ng voice​ live.​ (​also works​ the cutes​t cloth​es too) i walke​d down the isle to a part of one of her songs​.​ i can play their​ cds for weeks​ and never​ get weary​ of it. josh taught me some the beginning of a song on the guitar but lord knows if i can remember it. hopef​ully their​ new cd will be avail​abe to purch​ase!​!​ AHH!​!​!​ 

This is kristen. she is AmaZing! 

We had Thanksgiving at his parents house this year. It was a yum fest. I'll post some "sibling" photos soon. They came out cute and i did a mighty fine job editing them. 

ok bye

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ok so the day after that last blog I felt so much better. (thanks Reva) Sometimes I really, really think I'm bipolar. haha. I finally finished my next project. It's my GA scarf for my mother in law for her Christmas present. It took me wayyyyy too long. But It's pretty pretty! :)  


Monday, November 17, 2008

oh hump.

humm...I wish I could feel as happy as I did on this day. (photo below) Lately I haven't been as happy as I should. I'm doing all I can to feel that joy. I'm always crying and get emotional. On random days, at random times.  Josh doesn't get it. I dont get it. 

our photographer monica edited this picture...i think it looks pretty amazing.

*I need happy booster tips....PLEASE!*

and why is it that my hubby is happy every single day? without ever complaining. and is in such a good mood every single day? why why why can't that be me? uhhhhhh......???! 

Friday, November 7, 2008

booties booties booties!

I made my first booties. For Kelly's baby, Bella! They came out so cute and so perfect!

or you can roll them down:)

Kelly's huge prego belly!

this was my actually first finished scaf. I'm liking it more and more.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween weekend.

Nothing too exciting. We ate at a new pizza joint called Diesel pizza. Then we went to Publix to get smoothie ingredients. While at the check out lane the lady mumbled something towards me. I go "excuse me?" Then she goes on to tell me how much I look like Paris Hilton, and she thought that I was dressing up for her since it was Halloween. I kinda just laughed it off because that wasn't someone who I would like to be compared to. hahaha. 
We didnt get any tick or treater's. Which I figured. 
Josh and I are voting tomorrow. I'm excited- I'm gonna be a first timer :)
Some pics to browse:

niece Aubrey. I looked just like her when I was her age...she shoulda been my kid instead! 
little sissy Kaitlynn! 
Strawberry. Banana. YUM!
They were delicious. 
Josh the butcher.
punkin (I got all the guts out.)