Tuesday, August 19, 2008

x-box fun.

While sitting next to me with a headset on his head, a controller in his hand, and gears of war on the tv,  these are the words coming out of my husbands mouth as he plays with like 8 guys online:  "AHH"...... "STUPID"......"oh scuba diver..whatever"........."Are you a midgit?"......."A queer in the mirrior?".........."Wait..aeEERRRRR"........"oh your from kansas"......"whats all this one in a million talk"........("Laughs from the pit of his belly")......."What's new york like? Lotta babes there?".........."So in Fl is it true that people eat cats"........."That is bull"......." you sound like a 40 yr. old midgit to me."........."hey everyone, bad karma grew up in McDonalds" .......

in a very loud voice. and you can imagine what a whole hour is like sitting next to him on this squishy couch of ours. nice. i find it amusing anyway. 

well i know people love i'll post some cute pics up from this weekend. (our birthday weekend) And the precious little girl...she is my niece! Thought i would show her off, considering josh and i have no babies to show off yet :) 

OH and i got my first body massage yesterday. im just a little sore today.  but it was heavenly!!!! anyway....

 This is sweet Aubrey!

Shrimp Primavera I made for Josh. I'm becoming quite the cook.

Our chocolate cheesecake! YUMMM

Foxy! (our neighboor's huskey's)


Me and Aubrey

 the end.


Alyssa said...

Cute pictures! Your dinner looks amazing! And I totally know what you mean about video games... guys are so funny.

Floyd said...

We missed you guys today.

Oh and XBox rules.

Rocketgirl said...

I steer clear of video games, I'm horrible at them and I don't have enough testosterone to want to get better. But you know what would be a fabulous entry? A VIDEO of Josh playing - I'd love to see that stuff live:)